OK, I know. I said in episode six that that was the end of the beta season, but, well, I'm not ready with the next season. These teasers and info podcasts will be attached to the beta season until I get the next season rolling.
This episode is something different. The teaser actually comes from a project in development that will follow the Jason series. I want to let you listeners know that Mark's Mysteries will have a wider variety than what you have seen up to now.
I have laid out the podcast a bit different. I started the podcast with the Title to let people know what they are listening to. I find myself listening to a series of "new" podcasts and knowing at the start what I'm listening to allows me to settle in and switch my listening mood.
The episode is mp4 through I-tunes and Libsyn and mp3 at the website. The only real difference is that the mp4 version has the chapter headings and navigation included with them. The story and info is the same.
The cover art for this episode was provided by Susan Van Camp.